SHAW Place Tenant Policies and Information


On this page you will find detailed information on your rental tenancy agreement, procedures and safety information.




For more information on your rights and responsibilities as a tenant, phone the Residential Tenancy Office at 604-660-1020 (outside the Lower Mainland: 1-800-665-8779) or online at

Shaw Place is owned by the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society ( Property is managed by Holywell Properties.


Your Property Manager (Holywell Properties) will let you know what day you may move into your new home and will arrange for you to be contacted by staff to provide details of your move-in date. When you go to the building to pick up your keys, the building manager/site representative will complete a move-in inspection. Move-in hours are from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and please be mindful of your time slot as it will allow building staff to schedule other moves that day with limited interruptions to others i.e.  the elevators and hallways will not be too busy at any one time where applicable.


We will install a new lock on your door before you move in and give you keys to your unit, the front door of the building, your mailbox and the garage or laundry room (as necessary). Please note that you will be charged a replacement fee if you lose any of your keys or key FOB.

We keep master keys to all Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing units to ensure your safety in the event of an emergency. You must not change your locks or add security devices without prior written approval from your property manager. If you need your lock changed, please contact Holywell Properties:

Phone (604) 885 3460
Fax (604) 740 0248
Toll Free 1 800 905 3230
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

If you are locked out of your building, you can contact your building manager to let you in. Please note that we may charge a fee for these services.

Hollywell’s after hours contact can be found here. Please note, this is only for emergencies.


Tenant parking is available on a limited basis. Additional charges may apply. Vehicles must meet certain conditions, including being licensed/insured and in running order. As there is a limited number of parking spots, it will be necessary register your vehicle to obtain a parking space. Parking stalls cannot be used for storage of household items and repairs to vehicles cannot be carried out. There is limited visitor parking at our properties. Please note that due to the limited number of spaces, these are only for use by visitors. Visitor parking is limited to four hours (no registration needed) but is available for overnight guests with permission from the property manager. 


Definition of Quiet Hours: Quiet Hours are designated periods during which residents are expected to keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid disturbing their neighbors. Quiet Hours are in effect during the following times:

  • Sunday through Thursday: 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM

  • Friday and Saturday: 11:00 PM to 9:00 AM

Expectations for Residents:

  • During Quiet Hours, residents must refrain from engaging in any activities that may cause excessive noise, including but not limited to loud music, television, or parties.

  • Residents are encouraged to be mindful of their noise levels throughout the day, not just during Quiet Hours, to promote a peaceful living environment for everyone.

  • Any gatherings or events held within apartments or common areas should be respectful of Quiet Hours and the peace of other residents.


  • Residents are responsible for ensuring that they and their guests adhere to the Quiet Hours policy.

  • If a resident is disturbed by excessive noise during Quiet Hours, they are encouraged to first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the source of the noise in a courteous manner.

  • If the issue persists or if direct resolution is not possible, residents may contact the building management for assistance.

Consequences of Violations:

  • Residents who repeatedly violate the Quiet Hours policy may be subject to enforcement actions, including but not limited to warnings, fines, or lease termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.

  • We understand that occasional noise disturbances may occur unintentionally, and we encourage open communication to address such situations constructively.


  • Certain activities or circumstances may necessitate noise during Quiet Hours, such as emergency maintenance or medical emergencies. In such cases, residents are still encouraged to minimize noise to the extent possible and to inform affected neighbors in advance if feasible.


The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society only insures its buildings, not your belongings. As per your tenancy agreement, it’s highly recommended that tenants purchase contents insurance to protect your belongings in case of fire, theft, earthquake or other damage and make sure that your policy includes liability insurance. If you suffer a major event, such as a fire, and it is determined that you, a family member or guest are responsible, you will be responsible for the cost of all repairs.


Tenants are responsible for paying for their own hydro and/or gas. This must be arranged with BC Hydro by the tenant. The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society and Holywell Properties are unable to act on your behalf in setting up utilities.


Shaw Place has individual cable hook-ups. Tenants are responsible for contacting their local cable and telephone companies to arrange for connection and payment. Additional service outlets must be approved by BC Housing in writing and installed at your expense. Shaw Place does not allow satellite dishes to be installed.


The pet ownership rules provided with your tenancy agreement outline the restriction on the number of pets and which are not permitted (for example, certain exotic pets) and describes your responsibilities. 

It is your responsibility to remove all waste deposited by your pet within the common areas of the development. Please remember that pets must be on a leash and with a responsible person when not inside their units. If you own a pet or get one after moving in, you must register it with Holywell Properties. If you violate the pet ownership rules, your tenancy may be at risk.


Your rent must be paid on or before the first day of each month.

You may pay by cash, cheque or automatic payment. These payment details will be set up by Hollywell Properties when you sign your tenancy agreement. You can reach out to them directly if any changes need to be made.

Please note your rent is due and payable on or before the first of the month. If your rent is not paid by the first of the month you may receive a Notice to End Tenancy


For those tenants not paying full market rates the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society reserves the right to require a review of a Declaration of Income & Assets (DIA) within 60 days of request. This form will be provided to you.

On the form, please provide your current financial and household information and attach copies of any documents that provide proof of your stated income and assets for the past three months. Documentation for your income and asset review must be current and verifiable. It may include items such as pay cheques, letters from employers, tax records, bank statements, and government benefits statements.

Each person 19 and over living in your unit must sign the DIA and provide proof of income. The Proof of Income and Assets information guide will be included in the Annual Declaration of Income and Assets package mailed to you.

Additionally, each year we may randomly audit a percentage of the declarations to ensure that we are following proper procedures and the information provided is adequate and accurate. Under the terms of your tenancy agreement, you are responsible for paying the rent established for your unit, which is based on the information provided in your declaration form. It is important that you fill out this form and have it signed by all members of the household 19 and over. 


The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society is committed to maintaining confidentiality, respecting personal privacy, and, as a BC Registered Non-Profit that falls under British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (the “BC PIPA”). In some cases the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society may be required to provide information that is deemed legally to fall under BC PIPPA.

Information collected when you applied for housing will be stored by Holywell Properties and by the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society. Both parties are responsible for the protection of all personal information under its custody and control.

We will only use this information to support you in your tenancy. Your personal information will only be used by authorized staff to fulfill the purpose for which it was originally collected, or for a use consistent with that purpose. We do not disclose your personal information to other public bodies or individuals except as authorized by legislation or through your consent. Staff access such information only on a need-to-know basis to perform their jobs. After ending tenancy, Personal information will be destroyed after one year (365 days), though the record of your tenancy will be kept on file with the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society. This is to facilitate future applications you may do for other properties we operate. To obtain access to your records or to request a correction to a record, you must make a written request. Please contact the for assistance.


Before moving into your unit, you signed a tenancy agreement with the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society, and you should have a copy of it. If you lost yours, you can contact Holywell Properties to request another. If you find some of the rules difficult to understand, the staff from Holywell Properties can help you.


If there is an increase or decrease in the number of residents in your family, even temporarily, you must contact the property manager. You may be asked to move to another unit in the building that better fits your household size. 


It is your responsibility to keep your home safe and clean.

  • Leave common areas like the hallways, laundry rooms and grounds clean for other tenants.

  • Remember that children and pets should not play in hallways, elevators, laundry rooms, and locker rooms. 

  • If your children keep bicycles in your home, please make sure they do not ride them inside.

  • Picture hooks, rather than nails or screws, must be used to hang wall decorations.

  • Avoid liquid bleach and use environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Any alterations, renovations or painting in your unit must be approved in advance by your property manager in writing.


Our units’ refrigerators are frost-free and do not need to be defrosted. If your unit does not have a self-clean oven, use oven-cleaning products for your oven. Use a mild soapy solution to clean the smooth surfaces of appliances. For grease and dirt, try a paste made from baking soda and water. Please do not use abrasive cleaning products as they will damage the surfaces of your appliances. 


Please use a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner on bathtubs, sinks and toilets.

You may have condensation in your bathroom if there are symptoms such as:

  • condensation on the fixtures, windows or walls;

  • mold and mildew between ceramic tiles, in the corners or on the ceiling;

  • peeling paint, rotting, blackened window sills, damaged drywall under windows, curling floor tiles, musty smells, or water dripping from vents.

Condensation is caused by:

  • excessive house humidity;

  • moisture from hot baths and showers;

  • dampness from wet bath mats, towels and drying clothes;

  • inadequate ventilation;

  • paint or wallpaper not designed for use in bathrooms;

  • cold outside air leaking through insulation.

  • Unused or clogged bathroom fan. 

While you cannot change any structural causes, there are a number of things you can do to reduce condensation.

  • Turn on the bathroom fan or open the bathroom window while you are showering or bathing. Keep the fan running or window open until the condensation has evaporated. Vacuum or dust the fan casing. 

  • Keep the kitchen fan on, or a window open, while cooking and washing dishes.
    Note: It costs less to heat dry air than wet air, so keeping a window slightly open or the fan running will result in smaller hydro bills.


Some Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society units have basements or storage areas. If your unit has one, it must not be used as a sleeping area. Most basements and storage areas do not have proper fire exits or ventilation, so using them as bedrooms violates fire regulations and, in the event of a fire, could endanger lives.


If you live in a unit with a fenced-in yard, it is your responsibility to maintain the area, mow the grass and weed the garden. Yards cannot be used for storage other than patio furniture and firepits are not permitted.  If you have outside water taps, shut them off inside your unit before winter and remove hoses from the hose bib.

Your building manager can show you where the shut-off valve is located if you are not sure. Holywell Properties staff will clear snow from the city sidewalks, but it is your responsibility to shovel the walkway and steps to your unit.

If your unit has a balcony, it must not be used for storage. Barbecues and firepits, whether charcoal or propane, are not permitted on balconies as the fumes and burning coals are a potential health and fire hazard.

In the winter, you should clear any snow from your balcony because accumulated melting snow could leak under the door into your home. Kiddie pools and trampolines are not permitted on balconies or common areas.


Check with your building manager for information about garbage removal and recycling programs at your development. Disposal of furniture, electronics, appliances or other large items are not permitted to be left on the premises. Tenants must arrange for removal of these items at their own expense. Please contact your building manager/ site representative if you require assistance.


Most of our larger buildings have common rooms that tenant groups and individuals can use for recreation and meetings. Your building manager can let you know about the availability or use of the common space in your building. Common areas cannot be used to store scooters or other items. It is your responsibility to ensure safe and reasonable use of all common areas by household members and guests. The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society is not responsible for stolen or damaged belongings from storage, parking stalls and/or lockers.


Laundry rooms are available for use by tenants only.

We ask that you:

  • check with your building manager/site representative whether there is a laundry schedule;

  • check for posted laundry room regulations;

  • remove lint from the lint screen in the dryer after each use to reduce drying times and to prevent fires;

  • report any washer or dryer that is not working to your building manager site/representative or call the number posted in the laundry room;

  • do not store household belongings in the laundry room.


The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society upgrades units and buildings as required. We will plan ahead for this type of work and let you know well in advance of any renovations planned for your building.

Do not carry out alterations or renovations to your unit without prior written consent and contact Holywell Properties if repairs are required. Renovations and alterations include painting, wallpapering, changing the flooring, and making structural changes.


If you want or need to plan for a guest to stay more than 30 days, you must obtain written approval in advance of the visit from your Holywell Properties. Tenants who have received approval for a guest to stay longer than 30 days:

  • Guest will be required to provide proof of residence elsewhere.

  • After 2 months of guest stay, the tenant will be subject to a review of their Tenancy Agreement. 


The Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) requires that all employers in British Columbia, including Holywell and the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society, observe the following rules:

  • 1)   Employers may not subject their staff and contractors, except in emergency situations, to second-hand smoke.

  • 2)   Smoking is no longer permitted in public areas where staff must perform work duties. This includes entrance ways, stairwells, lobbies, laundry rooms, lounges, and hallways.

In order to comply with this requirement, Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society buildings are designated “Smoke Free Housing”. Provide a link to Smoke-Free Housing BC. This includes restriction from smoking or vaping of any substances. You may be required to sign an addendum to your agreement to ensure that you are aware of this policy.

Residential tenancy relationships in BC are governed by the Residential Tenancy Act. In compliance with the Act, the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society has included a clause in  your agreement to ban smoking in all units, balconies and the entire residential property.

At no time may tenants, occupants, guests and invitees of the tenants or occupants, smoke anywhere in the rental unit, including the balcony, patio and common grounds.


Please report the first sign of pests in your unit to your building manager/ site representative immediately. Pests include (but are not limited to) rodents, cockroaches, ants, silverfish, and bedbugs. Treatments will be scheduled to avoid further infestations. It is the responsibility of the tenant to prepare their unit for treatment, with information being sent by the pest control company.

You can reduce pests by:

  • keeping your dry goods (flours, cereals, sugars, etc.) in glass, metal or hard plastic containers with tight-fitting lids;

  • keeping your garbage, including recyclables, and food scraps in tight closing hard containers;

  • blocking any holes in your deck or foundation;

  • stuffing steel wool into holes around water pipes that can be found in the kitchen and bathroom;

  • keeping the grass and shrubs in your yard trimmed;

To avoid the spread of bedbugs, please inspect all second hand furniture before bringing it into your unit. Should you discover bedbugs in your unit, notify your Holywell immediately. They will give you further instructions on what is required to prepare your unit for effective treatment. If spraying is necessary, you will receive a notice that explains what must be done before any treatment can be completed.  In order to ensure the building remains free of bedbugs, the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society will pay for the costs of bedbug treatment. If a single tenant has repeated incidents of bedbugs, Holywell and the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society will meet with the tenant to discuss how to prevent this in the future, which may include the tenant covering the cost of future bedbug treatment.


You and your neighbours are entitled to privacy and quiet enjoyment of your homes. Please ensure that you, your household members and guests live in a manner that does not have a negative effect on your neighbours. Please note that excessive noise and disturbances may lead to action against your tenancy. 


If you are involved in a conflict with another tenant, try to resolve the issue with them before seeking help. If you are unable to resolve an issue as it relates to your tenancy, contact your Holywell Properties in writing.

Note: Written complaints must be dated and signed and should state facts (who, what, when, where) rather than personal judgments, opinions or conclusions.


The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society is committed to providing safe housing for its tenants. From time to time staff may need to conduct repairs and preventative maintenance in your unit. We will make every reasonable effort to minimize the disruption while repairs and maintenance are underway.

Please inform building staff of a maintenance problem by filling out a maintenance request form through Holywell Properties. For general maintenance, appointments will be set with you. For emergencies, management may need to access your suite quickly to prevent damage. Management will endeavour to keep any inconvenience to a minimum.

Staff and contractors are unable to enter your unit without permission, so ensure that you respond to any effort to contact you by Holywell or the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society in a timely manner so that we can confirm that we have permission to enter at a scheduled time.


If you have a serious problem after hours, phone the 24-hour emergency maintenance number:


This number is intended for maintenance emergencies only such as a fire & flood.


The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society, in compliance with WorkSafeBC requirements and other workplace safety practices, takes precautionary measures to protect people in and around work sites while maintenance or repair activities occur. These could include high-level work, floor/railing repairs, mold management, and the removal of airborne dust particles, insects, rodents, and lead products.

You may see staff or contractors utilize tools and wear special clothing to protect themselves from workplace hazards they may encounter as part of their work activities. You may also see the posting of warning or caution signs. For your safety and the safety of others, please respect these signs.

We may need to ask you to be absent from your unit while repairs are underway. Staff and contractors will clean up their materials and ensure your unit is safe before you return.


The Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society understands that living situations change and families grow and tenants may ask to transfer their tenancy to another unit or building. Conversely, SCAHS may ask a tenant to transfer to a unit more aligned with changing needs such as downsizing. 

There are no guarantees another unit will be offered or how long it will take to process a request, as transfer requests are evaluated along with new applications for housing. Transfer requests will be accepted if the tenant and all members of their household still meet the basic eligibility requirements for housing and all of the basic transfer eligibility criteria outlined below.

Basic transfer eligibility criteria:

  • The tenant(s) have lived in their current unit for a minimum of two  years;

  • Their tenancy is in good standing;

  • They have no outstanding debts including chargebacks, rent arrears or audit arrears.

You will also need to meet one of the following reasons for a transfer request.

  • A change to your household size or composition requires a different size unit (over/under-housed tenants may be asked  to move to an appropriately sized unit).

  • You or a family member has a medical condition that would be stabilized or improved by a change of location. (Your physician must provide documentation that supports the need for a medical transfer.)

  • You or a household member’s well-being is at serious risk from trauma, violence, harassment or other undesirable consequences. (You will need to provide supporting documentation from the police or an appropriate social agency.)

If you would like to transfer and are unsure of your eligibility, please contact the property manager If you are behind in your rent payment or owe the Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing any money when you are offered a transfer, all outstanding charges should be paid in full before you transfer. Your transfer may be canceled or put on hold until all outstanding charges are paid.


Do not let strangers follow you into the building as you enter. If your building has an intercom, ensure your guests use it when visiting you. When you receive a call on the intercom, be sure that you know that person before allowing them into the building. Only let workers come into the building or your unit if you know they should be there (for example, if notices have been posted) and they have proper identification. If you see strangers loitering around the building, please contact your Holywell Properties or the police directly.

If you observe suspected criminal activity, do not attempt to intervene.

If your safety or someone else’s safety is at risk, call 911 immediately.


Keep an emergency supply kit with a minimum five-day supply of water, food (especially foods that do not require cooking such as energy bars and crackers) and clothing. Also include a first-aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries, a portable battery-operated radio and any required medications.

In the case of earthquakes, you can prepare your family ahead of time.

  • Know the safe places in your home. You are usually safest against an inside wall, under a strong table or desk and away from falling glass or objects.

  • Know that dangerous areas are near windows, mirrors, hanging pictures or plants, tall furniture and ceiling fixtures. 

Check the information section of your local telephone directory for more information on first aid and preparing for an earthquake.

The following resources may be helpful to people with disabilities in preparing for an emergency.

  • BC Coalition of People with Disabilities

  • A Road Map to Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities


The tenant(s), any occupant of the tenant(s’) household and any persons invited onto the residential property or residential premise by the tenant(s) or any member of the tenant(s’) family shall not engage in any criminal activity on the premises or property including, but not limited to:

  • any drug-related criminal activity;

  • solicitation (sex-trade workers and related nuisance activity);

  • street gang activity;

  • assault or threatened assault;

  • unlawful use of a firearm;

  • any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or welfare of the landlord, other tenants or persons on the residential property or residential/premises.

Violating any of the provisions of this addendum is a serious violation and material non-compliance with your Residential Tenancy Agreement.


Vandalism to elevators, stairwells and hallways can result in costly repairs. Graffiti on brickwork is difficult to remove. We ask that you call the police right away and tell Holywell Properties if you see anyone damaging Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society property.


When you decide to move out, you need to give your Holywell Properties written one-month notice. This notice must be received by the day before the rent is due at the latest, one month before you plan to move.

For example, if you were planning to move out on April 30, you would need to give notification by 4:30 p.m. on March 31. If you provide notice on March 15th and want to move out April 15th, you may still be required to pay the full April rent.

Your Holywell Properties will make an appointment with you to inspect your unit before you leave and will give you a list of the cleaning you have to do before moving out. You must leave the unit as clean as it was when you moved in. Except for normal wear and tear, any damage to your unit is your responsibility. You may be charged with repairs.

You must be moved out by 1 p.m. on the last day of the month. It is your responsibility to return all keys and your laundry card, and to sign the move-out inspection form before you leave.


Holywell Properties

P.O. Box 187
Suite 201 – 5760 Teredo St.
Sechelt, BC
V0N 3A0

Phone (604) 885 3460
Fax (604) 740 0248
Toll Free 1 800 905 3230
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society

PO Box 1609

V0N 1V1

Gibsons, BC